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Tips for maximising store sampling

It’s summer time with barbeques and outdoor lifestyles very much in focus. Consumers are looking for food and kitchenware to create great outdoor meals, barbeques are sizzling and everyone is seeking ways to enjoy the outdoors whether relaxing on the patio, at the beach or actively in the countryside. Thoughts of holidays are also prompting people to think about all that they will need for that much needed break. Stores are full of seasonal products, but encouraging people to choose one product over another when faced with a series of similar items can be hard. Product sampling is the answer.

Actually seeing, touching and potentially trying a product is the best way to encourage sales. To do this, you need really good product demonstrators to generate sales, talk to customers and build greater awareness of your brand. Professional, helpful and informative; product demonstrators can truly make the difference when consumers are shopping.

Our Top Sampling Tips

We have pulled together some tips to make your product demonstrations and in-store sampling stand out

1. Stand not sit!
Demonstrators and sampling staff should never be seen sitting down, even at the end of the day. When a customer passes by and sees the staff member sitting down, it gives the instant impression they are not interested in talking about or promoting the product. Standing makes a presenter appear instantly approachable, confident and ready to help

2. Keep brochures to the end

Don’t hand out brochures and leaflets until the end presentation. It is human nature to instantly start looking at the brochure rather than listening to the demonstrator!

3. Respond to the customer
It’s fine having a script to follow when demonstrating a product – but don’t be too regimented about it. Regard that script as an outline and be prepared to improvise. Aim to develop a conversation with the customer. Ask questions such as “how could you use this?” Listen to their answers and respond accordingly.

4. Encourage customer involvement
Get customers involved. Let them try it for themselves. Hand them the product, let them feel its quality or texture. Try using it, or if it is food – tasting it. By encouraging them to be involved, they can discover how good the product is rather than just being told.

5. Keep it simple
Highlight basic and instantly useful functions. It’s just a demonstration not a big training session where everything has to be covered. The aim is to arouse interest and sell!

6. Make it varied
Don’t be repetitive. Vary the demonstration. People may pass your stand more than once – if they see something different being highlighted, it may encourage them to stop again. That second time might be the one that leads to a sale.

7. Be prepared for questions
Have answers ready for any questions that may be asked. Be prepared – most questions tend to be very similar.

8. Find out what the customer wants
Ask questions. They may prefer a different colour or size. Find out what they want.

9. Be Honest
There will be times when you don’t know the answer. Be honest and tell them that – but add that you will find out and let them know. Get their contact details and respond to the query. Alternatively point them to a website or brochure that can help.

Do you need to hire experienced Sampling Staff?

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