Invoice Template
Thank you for representing Envisage Promotions. Please ensure the following information is contained within your invoice and feel free to use the template below if you don’t have one.
Invoices must be received in the following format if being sent by email as an attachment to enable us to open them; PDF File, DOC file, TXT File, XLS File. Normal email invoice is fine providing it contains the following details :-
Invoices must be dated and addressed to Envisage Promotions Ltd then emailed to
Promotional Work Invoice
Invoice To : Envisage Promotions Ltd
Invoice Date :
Job Number: C
Dates Worked:
Event Worked:
Total Amount due: £
Bank Account Number:
Sort Code:
Please accept my invoice as full and final payment of the above event.
I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own tax and national insurance.
Invoicing Instructions
-At the end of the event you must mail your invoice to otherwise this will delay your payment.
-Invoices received without the job number contained on your booking email will be returned.
– Invoices must include job number, name, address, dates worked, event worked, total amount due and bank details for BACS payment.
– Payment will be made within 31 days of receiving your invoice. We must receive your invoice within 60 days of the event, invoices received after this will not be accepted.
– If you supply incorrect invoice details i.e. bank information, it is your responsibility to chase this with your bank.
– Invoices are normally paid on Mondays so will be showing in your bank Tuesday’s. We only pay by BACS except for International payments where cheque payment may be made.
-If you submit your invoice more than once it will delay payment as duplicate invoices go straight into query.
– If you add additional costs that have not been pre-approved (eg travel cost) your invoice will be returned.
– You must ensure that you include your bank account name on your invoice and it must match EXACTLY how the bank shows your name on your account, card and statement. Your bank will reject these if they do not match. Find more information here.