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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery – Thanks Google!

google chairsThere are big changes coming to the offices of Envisage Promotions and we are not embarrassed to admit we have been heavily influenced by the mighty power that is Google. Well come on, let’s be honest, if it’s good enough for them then it must be great for us right!

Envisage Promotions HQ is stepping out of the traditional boring “office” building with black chairs and light brown desks and moving to a beautiful office on a farm. Our morning coffee companions will be sheep, cows, sheep dogs and chickens. We are even going to bring our very own gorgeous lady Kira the Husky to join us in the office.

And that’s not all.

You will have all seen images of the Google head office in Mountain View, California with its fabulous bright colours and motivational furniture all over the place. That’s going to be Envisage Promotions.

We already have the bright multi-coloured chairs, desks and furniture. The pool table that turns into a conference table is on order along with the fish tank, glass boards, funky carpets and motivational posters and phrases.

Why are we doing this?…..Why the hell not we say!

We work in an industry that is all about thinking outside box and where imagination needs to be encouraged and nurtured with our beautiful team. Will a bright office with all mod cons help with this? Who knows? But what absolute fun we will have building our very own mini Google!!

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