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Bringing Marketing and PR Stunts to Life With a Flash Mob!
The flash mob is a fantastic marketing tool for grabbing attention. When you bring your marketing to life, it creates interest and awareness. And with people buzzing about your brand, products or services, you’ll be talked about – and that means more sales and more customers.
We provide flash mobs for clients for all kinds of events and promotions, including PR stunts. Is it time you brought your marketing to life?
The basics – what is a flash mob?
One minute, the shopping centre or transport hub looks the same busy place that it always is. The next minute, the place has erupted into spontaneous song with dancing to match.
As spontaneous as it may look, this is a pre-planned PR stunt. People have been hired to burst into song at a certain time. And then, once complete, they all seamlessly melt back into the crowd.
This is just one example of a flash mob. Hiring a crowd to do other public stunts is common too. For example, we provide large and small groups of people to act as everything from adoring fans on the red carpet to interested customers at an event or product launch.
The psychology of why crowds work
Us humans are a naturally curious bunch. When we see a group of people gathered in a certain spot, we instinctively wonder why and usually take a peek ourselves.
As experiential marketing goes, a flash mob or hiring a crowd of people work well simply because a crowd of people clustered around your booth, your product, your event or promotion piques the interest of others.
There is also something about being adored too. Imagine the delight and surprise of the sales conference delegates of one of our recent clients who hired a crowd to act as adoring fans as their employees arrived at their event. Billed as a Hollywood themed sales conference and celebration, there was a real sense of pizzazz and glamour with a crowd whopping and waving as delegates arrived.
Secret Crowds
We know that not every client at every event wants the buying public to know that some people in the crowd are hired to be there. That’s OK because our staff understand this and that means you can hire a crowd for any event, and in secret too.
We recently worked with Heart UK providing a flash crowd as part of one of their PR stunts and viral videos, to see the case study please click here.
What do crowds bring to a promotional event?
#1 Noise and buzz
Standing out is hard to do, don’t you think? Your competitors are chasing the same group of customers and in a busy marketplace, competitors are chasing an ever decreasing customer base.
Customers are not as willing to part with their money, especially with less money in their pocket. They need to be persuaded you are the right people to buy from, and that your product or service is better all round than your nearest rival.
Creating noise, creating a buzz around your brand, your products or services grabs attention. And an all-singing-and-dancing flash mob can do just that.
#2 Step things up a gear
Give ‘em the old razzle dazzle says Billy Flynn, a character from the stage show Chicago. Give ‘em an act with lots of flash in it and reaction will be passionate he continues. Hiring a crowd to clap and cheer or a flash mob to burst into song does exactly that: it dazzles, adding the ‘something to talk about’ to an event, act or promotion.
Far from boring, hiring a crowd or flash mob is also not as expensive as you may think either. You can hire any size of crowd from us, from a handful of people to make a promotion ‘look busy’ to hundreds (even thousands!) of people to make a huge splash.
What are you waiting for?
Bring your next promotion or marketing event to life. Don’t hold back, hire a flash mob!