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Tesco Carwash promotion

Leafletting Staff for Tesco – Case Study

Leafletting Staff - Case Study The Brief - Our client is a prestigious brand in the car washing industry. They offer a range of valeting services from basic outside cleaning through to full valet. They have nearly 300 sites across the UK which are linked to a Tesco or ASDA store. Customers benefit from getting to have their car cleaned…

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Top tips for receiving positive publicity

If you have ever dabbled in PR you will have heard the phrase ‘what’s the hook?’  You need something to ‘hook’ the media in and want to cover whatever you are doing, or for it to feature in their publications/TV or radio slot. But remember – PR is also about forming relationships with current and new customers, so don’t forget them…

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Pics of Envisage Santa's

Make your company end of year message magical!

Christmas Corporate Messages We've all experienced the speech right before the Christmas party.   The MD says thank you for all the hard work and rallies the troops for the year to come. Well, 2020 is a little different.  How do you or the businesses you work with deliver that all important message?  Let you employees know how much you value…

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online shopping market research

Envisage Survey – Online Shopping in 2020

Online Market Research And the results are in! We wanted to show you how great our respondents can be - so we conducted our own survey on online shopping during a pandemic and it's impact on future shopping We asked our respondents to buy a specific product and then asked some key questions about their new shopping habits in the…

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Mental Health and the Impact of COVID

Mental Health and the Impact of COVID

Mental Health and the Impact of COVID 2020 seems to have passed so slowly and yet, we are nearing the end of what can only be described as a tumultuous year. Lockdown and isolation led to many people being confined for long periods with little to no human contact. Being isolated from work and colleagues also impacted on many people,…

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