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How to make exhibitions work for you!

How to make exhibitions work for you!

How to make exhibitions work for you! Taking part in an exhibition is a great way to build a brand, gain visibility and attract customers. But it can also go horribly wrong – anyone who has visited an exhibition, whether it is a trade or consumer show, will be all too familiar with the sight of sad looking exhibition stands…

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Need to hire staff for shows at the NE

Need to hire staff for shows at the NEC Birmingham?

Need to hire staff for shows at the NEC Birmingham? With ever increasing numbers of people taking part in outdoor activities, camping & caravanning has become the most popular type of holiday. Over 85,000 people come to the annual Caravan & Camping Show at the NEC – and we love it. This is one of the highlights of our working…

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hire a santa

Our Santa’s were Amazing and don’t just take our word for it!

Our Santa’s were Amazing and don’t just take our word for it! Santa was definitely in demand in 2021. In fact – it proved to be a record Santa Season! At one point we had more than 1,000,000 children across schools throughout the UK watching a live Santa read stories as part of our Santa Live Read Programme. Over 400…

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Attracting Attention at Exhibitions

Attracting Attention at Exhibitions

Attracting Attention at Exhibitions Exhibitions and shows often include hundreds of stands. Making sure that a large proportion of visitors come to your stand is crucial to a successful show. Here are a few suggestions highlighting ways to attract attention Before the show: Take advantage of pre-show publicity. Most exhibitions offer an opportunity to provide some basic information to customers…

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pop up shops - why -what

Pop-Up Shops! Why? What?

Pop-Up Shops! Why? What? Embattled high streets keen to attract shoppers back into town centres along with shopping opportunities at countless festivals and events are proving a mecca for pop-up shops. Frequently mooted as the potential saviours of high street retailing, bringing new names and ideas, pop-up shops are undoubtedly one of the best ways a brand can gain instant…

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tips on setting new years resolutions

Setting New Years Resolutions

Setting New Years Resolutions Fireworks flare, bells ring out – a New Year has dawned, and across the world people are making New Year Resolutions, promising to make changes to their lives. The New Year is the perfect time for a new start – which is why so many of us make New Year Resolutions. It is a habit that…

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2022 Exhibitions at the NEC

2022 Exhibitions at the NEC 2022 looks set to be jam-packed with exhibitions at the NEC. Almost every possible type of B2B and consumer exhibition is being held spanning home furnishings, boats, security, weddings, utilities to food & drink, higher education and model railways. As if that wasn’t enough, it is time to look forward to the return of the…

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The Rise in Hybrid Exhibitions

The Rise in Hybrid Exhibitions

The Rise in Hybrid Exhibitions New style hybrid exhibitions and conferences are emerging in the wake of the pandemic, and are set to pose new challenges for organisers. Hybrid events combine both physical and virtual reality/online events. Most recently, the Oscars, Emmy Awards and Grammy Awards combined both in-person and streaming online and for the first time, had made it…

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Having a ‘Happy’ Christmas

Having a ‘Happy’ Christmas!

Having a ‘Happy’ Christmas Christmas is a family time, a time of fun and happiness. But as mental health charity Mind points out “it’s a time of the year that often puts extra pressure on us, and can affect our mental health.” With all the extra shopping, wrapping presents, putting up Christmas trees and decorations, countless recipes for festive food,…

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Reduce Stress With Our Ten Tips To Success

Reduce Stress With Our Ten Tips To Success Planning an event is always stressful as there are so many things that can go wrong. Take a look at our top ten tips to creating successful, hassle free events. Make your plans as early as possible Ideally aim for at least four to six months planning for large events. Smaller events…

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