Your Quote No. (this will be on your email quotation) Company Name or Client Name Billing Name & Address Accounts Email and Telephone Number Company Registration Number Vat Number What is the target audience for your brand: Do you have a product you need to send to the influencer? Date you want the influencer to post? Is there a specific times you want the influencer to post? Is there anything specific you would like the influencer to wear? Gender of influencer female, male or either Assignment Details - Please include an overiew of your product/service and things you want including in the post. Are there any specific # or links to backlinks, etc. Special notes or request Main activity contact name and mobile number (this is the person the staff can contact on the days of the event) Booking Confirmed & Authorised By: Position in company: Date of birth DD/MM (for security purposes only): Your email address: Todays date: Send a copy to: your email By completing this form you confirm that you have read, understood and accept Envisage Promotions Ltd Terms and Conditions available here Δ