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10 Reasons to Try Experiential Marketing
What we do is built on experiential marketing – the supplying of promotional and event staff to create a tangible marketing experience for customers – and yet, in spite of us living in an increasingly digital world, experiential marketing has never been more important.
Here are ten reasons why you need to give this tangible form of marketing a go.
#1 It is effective
Previous surveys have indicated that 80% of brands reaped a return on investment of 3:1 with a smaller majority of businesses saying that their experiential marketing campaigns brought an ROI of 20:1.
#2 MORE sales and leads
79% of business who have used this kind of marketing felt that sales increased as a direct result.
And the consumer enjoys it too, with three-quarters of consumers more likely to purchase a product or service after an experiential marketing event.
#3 MORE connection between consumer and the product
With this kind of tangible marketing, consumers can touch, see, smell, feel and even taste the product. What this promotes is a greater connection between the consumer and the product.
#4 IMPROVED connection between your brand and the consumer
In a crowded marketplace, can any business leave the development of their brand to chance?
Experiential marketing allows consumers to see the ‘face’ of the brand, with human connections supplied by promotional staff as the key to a great impression and connection.
#5 Share brand values
Consumers are more likely to buy from and stay loyal to brands that share their values but sometimes, getting these values across to the consumer is difficult. Again, tangible marketing with people forming connections is the bridge that many businesses need.
#6 Translates to online marketing too
For too long we have thought of offline and online marketing as two separate elements. Slowly, we are learning the value of dovetailing both. You only have to look at videos of flash mobs going viral on social media to understand the connection between experiential marketing and online marketing.
#7 Brand buzz!
Brand buzz is when people are talking about you for all the right reasons. This kind of tangible marketing can be the event that piques the interest not just of consumers but local media, influencers and more.
#8 Can provide useful feedback
There are many facets to this kind of marketing, so it doesn’t have to be just about ‘buy this product!’. You can use it to collect feedback, evaluate opinion or even test products and packaging with customers.
#9 It is targeted marketing
It can feel with some campaigns or marketing tools that you literally throw them out there and hope for the best. With experiential marketing, the planning that goes into it means that it can be the most targeted of tools in your marketing bag of tricks.
#10 It’s fun!
There is an element of fun to this kind of marketing that means people connect with easily, quickly and with minimal effort.
It is a form of marketing that is popular but there are no guarantees of success, more so if the event is an off-the-cuff response to falling sales. Behind it, there needs to be a clear strategy. Is experiential marketing your next campaign tool?